About Oakhill Bookkeeping Services

Oakhill Bookkeeping Services is owned and managed by Emma Dowell, a bookkeeper with over 23 years of financial experience. She is a Member of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and achieved Distinction in their authorisation examinations.

Emma has experience of managing the finances and preparing the accounts and tax returns for many small businesses including sole traders, partnerships and companies, as well as charities and not-for-profit incorporated societies.

Emma is also a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries with extensive experience of advising occupational pension schemes on their investment arrangements.

"Small business owners rarely work solely between 9am and 5pm, from Monday to Friday, and even if they do, they won't necessarily have time to sit down and discuss their books during that time.

For that reason, I offer a fully flexible service, supported by cloud-based solutions - you will always have access to the most up-to-date financial information and face-to-face meetings can be arranged at a time that works for you."

Practice Licence: 18002

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